View the section pages for more details on individual disciplines
Officials Courses
New officials and those wishing to move up in grade use the link below to see what courses are on offer
MAFEO the website for technical officials
MAFEO is an independent organisation run by Technical Officials for Technical Officials.
For a further information Click here
The committee of MAFEO is again organising an Officials’ Conference on behalf of the Midland Counties Athletics Association which will take place on
Sunday October 20th 2024
This will follow the MAFEO AGM for MAFEO members.
The MAFEO AGM will start at 9:30am for MAFEO members.
THE MCAA Conference will start at 10:10am open to
all Midland Counties Officials.
The event will be held at
Light Hall School, The Gandhi Building, Hathaway Road,
Shirley, Solihull, B90 2PZ,